Ms. Jeanette's Story/Woman to Woman

Ms. Jeanette's StoryLetter from Bishop Romelus


My dear friends,

A little background information: On November 11,2008, I had major surgery at the Ochsner Hospital in New Orleans. This surgery had been postponed several times for various reasons; chief among them was the condition of my heart. After months of medical appointments and tests, my Thibodaux doctors thought it best if a specialist in New Orleans would take my case. He redid all the tests previously done.

The surgery itself had nothing directly to do with my heart. It was classified as a hysterectomy but with serious complications. It required reconstruction surgery and lasted seven hours.

I was told that one of two things would probably happen. One, I would die on the table, or two, I would suffer a major stroke with paralysis.

Neither of these predictions happened. I awoke without pain, feeling completely at peace. As God is my witness, I never had a'single pain! The doctor kept asking the recovery nurse how much pain medication I had because he didn't believe me. She said '"Doctor, she hasn't had any. The machine isn't even plugged in."

I had three surgeons and two cardiologists during surgery. They visited four times a day and were amazed at my recovery. I told them it was all the prayers of my friends and relatives who made my recovery possible. On my hospital bed was a prayer blanket sent by a friend. I knew God had saved me because of the prayers and concern of the many people, some whom I did not know, who prayed for me. I thank all of you. May God richly bless you ..

All I could think of during the next few days was "Why am I doing so well?

There had to be a reason God brought me through this. He must want me to do something special in return. Then I knew what it was!

I kept seeing poor women in poor countries, women with my problems, who had no money for medical help. I kept thinking of the desperate women of Haiti who walk ten miles to town to sell a few bananas for pennies in order to buy the flour they need for making bread. I la1ew that some must be suffering from gynecology problems and many die from simple infections.

Because I had worked in Haiti  and seen the poverty with my own eyes, this is where my heart calls me. These are the women I want to help.

There are many projects, and many that our Haiti Mission Team works with; projects for water wells, schools, shoe projects, school feeding program, pigs and chickens to help men provide food for their families. But there is no direct project offering help for the women.

This is my proposal- to organize a club ~ a woman to woman project that would be dedicated to offering direct help to our hurting sisters in Christ. It will be a very simple club, dues are very low, but combined with many others the money will provide much needed help - woman to woman.

Thank you for reading this letter. Please consider joining with me.

In gratitude,


Jeanette Naquin

PS On a recent return to Ochsner, my doctor inquired about my involvement in our Haiti Mission work. He has done mission work in the past and is very interested in going to Haiti himself to offer his services to the women who live there!




I           The club will be named "Woman to Woman Project".

II         Dues will be $12. per year, payable in January.

III       The money collected will be channeled through Haiti Mission, Inc., a registered, tax exempt aid organization.

IV        Every penny collected will be sent to the Diocese of Jeremie, Haiti under the authority of Bishop Willy Romulus to be used for women's health.

V         I will keep records and· send each member a quarterly report and a list of current members.

VI        The dub will be under the patronage of "Our Mother of Perpetual Help".



Will this work? I know it will. The dues are low because so many of you already give so much.

Ask your daughters, sisters, friends, cousins, aunts, mothers and grandmothers to join you. Woman to Woman we can do so much.

Please send me the names of all who participate. 1'd like each $12 donation to represent a woman. Yes, all ages are most welcome~.

Please make checks payable to:

Haiti Mission, Inc.

On the memo line, write:

Woman to Woman Project

Send dues to:

Haiti Mission, Inc.

P. O. Box 694

Thibodaux, La. 70302

 Thank you. May God bless our efforts.