St Bridget Haiti Mission School-Numero Deux

St Bridget Haiti Mission School began in 2004 where classes for all grades were held side by side in the old church with very little in the way of supplies. In 2008, generous donors, Pat and Sue Biggam, offered HMI a $40,000 matching grant to begin the construction for a new and desperately needed school building. By the time of its completion in 2012, HMI donors had contributed over $250,000 towards the truly excellent, hurricane proof school building that stands today. From every grade in one small church to 10 light, airy and spacious classrooms, 2 offices,  2 indoor restrooms with running water, a cafeteria and a library stand as a witness today of God’s goodness and the generosity of the people who wish to serve him in aiding the poorest of the poor in rural Haiti.

In the latest school year, 2024-25, enrollment increased to nearly 340 students and 18 staff members with HMI contributing $1425/month or $17,200 per year (Teacher Support).  Teachers on average make just under $100 per month.  We have dedicated monthly donors who make up about 30% of the total cost each month or about $500.  Three years ago, due to the shortfall in donations, the school was on the verge of closing.   

HMI also has funded a school lunch program (Feeding the Children) since 2012 which provides a substantial hot lunch daily to the students and staff that attend.  On average HMI provides for 3500 meals per month or 35,000 meals per year at a cost of about $17,500 per year or 50 cents per meal.  The school lunch program insures that every child attending school at St. Bridget’s will have a least one nutritious hot meal a day.  This program also has a few dedicated monthly donors who make up about 20% of the total cost per month or about $300.

For the past two school years, HMI has begun an Annual Appeal to help fund a large portion of the annual support needed. We invite all who read this to consider becoming a part of this symbol of hope in Western Haiti. If you are interested you can select “Teacher’s Support” or “Feed the Children” on the donate tab on the home page. Together we can continue to serve God while “feeding” his littlest ones, body, mind and soul. God Bless